Friday, October 28, 2011

At the Tomb of the Patriarchs

Since I am doing this post way after the fact, I am going to let the pictures speak. After walking through the deserted shopping street of Hebron and learning what the small, can't remember if it is 300 or 600 settlers, have done to control movement and access to the thousands of residents of Hebron who are Palestinian, it was not surprising to see a division of access to the tomb of the Patriarchs. Abraham is the father of all of us peoples of the book--yet it is faith accompanied by fear and intolerance that seems to be more powerfully divisive than that which should unite us. It was an experience to go into the tomb and see Abraham, Isaac, and Sarah's tomb--having to take shoes off and women having to robe to cover heads and skin except the face.

I loved seeing the school girls from the area climb the stairs to the entryway--arm in arm and miling and greeting our very mixed and very friendly group.

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